New video: Society for the Many - Manifesto of the People's Congress of Resistance!

Check out the newly released promotional video: 'Society for the Many: Manifesto of the People's Congress'. The video introduces our vision for revolution contained in the Manifesto of the People's Congress of Resistance including:

  • Meeting social needs and securing the means of life for all (health, food, shelter and education)
  • Collectivizing the banks, communication, transportation, energy and related industries
  • Peace and solidarity: ending militarism, colonialism and imperialism
  • Community self-defense: abolishing mass incarceration and aggressive policing
  • Reparations for Black America, self-determination and respect for Native sovereignty
  • Ending patriarchy and oppression based on sex, gender & sexual orientation
  • Environmental justice

This video will be a great outreach tool for those planning on coming to the People's Congress of Resistance.